Prenatal Chiropractic Care
The health of your body before pregnancy, during all stages of pregnancy, and after the birth of your newborn affects both you and your baby for a lifetime. Prenatal chiropractic care allows for proper nerve flow and alignment of the pelvis and spine. Increased function due to chiropractic care improves fertility, optimizes development of your baby during pregnancy and as your body prepares for the birth process.
Several changes occur during the prenatal period in preparation to create the ideal environment for the developing baby. Many mothers will notice an increased low back curve, pelvic changes, and postural adaptations as the baby continues to grow. Some of these changes may result in a misaligned pelvis, spinal bones or joints, which may or may not cause discomfort.
These misalignments may also reduce the amount of room available for the developing baby, affecting their positioning for delivery. This can lead to a difficult or painful labor (also known as dystocia). Dystocia or failure to progress during labor are the most common causes for Cesarean Sections. Understanding these changes, how your body works and what you are capable of will set you up for a successful and healthy delivery and labor.
Three causes of Dystocia defined by William’s Obstetrics (Chapter 18 of Williams Obstetrics Text), often referred to as the Three P’s:
- Abnormalities of the expulsive forces— either uterine forces insufficiently strong or inappropriately coordinated to efface and dilate the cervix (uterine dysfunction), or inadequate voluntary muscle effort during the second stage of labor. (Power)
- Abnormalities of the maternal bony pelvis– that is pelvic contraction (Passage)
- Abnormalities of presentation, position, or development of the fetus (Passenger)
We are certified in the well-known Webster Technique, which is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment for pregnant mothers that reduce interference to the nervous system and balances pelvic muscles and ligaments. This adjustment optimizes uterine function and allows for a safer, easier birth for mom and baby. In short, this analysis and adjustment to the mothers pelvis/sacrum directly optimizes the three P’s; POWER, PASSAGE, and PASSENGER.
More helpful links for prenatal care: